
Erection is weak or poor if the homorne is affected. The blood strengthens the homorne and the homorne eventually strengthens the sexual performance of a man. There are so many factors that can affect the homorne thereby weakens it performance. These factors include Excess of sugar, high Cholesterol in blood, therefore you can get rid of this weak or poor erection.

We know that loss of sexual libido can be devastating, arising from the lack of enough vitamins & nutrients in the body, but at the same time, this can be corrected in a natural way. Follow me: Get the following items - 
1. Pure cocoa (powder)
2. Raw garlic 
3. WaterMellons

All this items are available at cheap prices in the market

1. Take 1 teaspoon of pure cocoa powder with hot water firstly in the morning & night before bed time
2. Always eat watermelon as much as you can.
3. Eat raw garlic, the odour may turn you off at first, keep eating it until you get used to it. It will get your blood flowing, by removing cholesterol from your blood and it will definitely increase your libido.

Yesterday Wednesday 19th October, the 21 freed Chibok girls met with President Buhari at the presidential villa Abuja.
 During the visitation one of the freed girls make a shocking revelation that "We didn't know we would come back to be a part of Nigeria, but the grace of God  made it possible".
"We don't have anything to say again, only Thank you God".
This is a big congratulation to All Nigerians home and Abroad.

Malaria is a tropical infection that has been in existence for a very long time. Malaria can be caused by bacteria called "plasmodium" the bacteria is easily transmitted by mosquitoes especially the female Anophlex mosquitoes. When they bites, they inject plasmodium into the blood stream through their proboscis and subsequently,  the result is malaria. Malaria can be easily be treated with local herbs.

The symptoms of malaria varies from one person to another. These symptoms include :- General weakness of the body constant headache, lost of  appetite, cold, high in temperature, bitterness in the mouth,vomiting, sore around the mouth. E t c

Malaria can be treated naturally with local plant. All you need to do get the following leaves (1 ) Morinda lucida, it is commonly called Oruwo in Yorubaland and Eze ogwu in ibo it should consist half of the whole contents.  ( 2 ) Mix with leave cymbopogon citratus ( lemon grass ). ( 3 ) male pawpaw leave ( carica papaya ).  ( 4 ) mango leave. And moringa oleifera leaves because of its high nutritional content.

Preparation boil every content together with water, dosage take 75 c L thrice daily for five days for Adults and for children A glass cup thrice daily.
N . B  IF symptoms persist 3 days please see your Doctor.

Titus 2:3-5; Exodus 15:1, 20-21; Ephesians 5:18 Psalms 71:9

Christian women in all our churches must be actively involved in the fulfilment of the great commission. In fact, there are great potentials and abilities reserved in the lives of women who are wholly consecrated unto the lord. Women ministry in the church should affect the spiritual and physical welfare of the women, young girls and the children who must be reached through teaching and counselling (Titus 2:3-5). In addition, Christian women should not be wanting  in the singing ministry like Miriam and Deborah of old (Exodus 15:20-21; Judges 5:1-2). God`s call on Christian women, especially the aged, as keepers at home should fit them for the ministry of intercession, praying  for the ministers and members of our churches (Acts 1: 12 – 17). We can follow the steps  of Jesus as our example in this ministry of intercession for the church. The intercessory ministry of the Holy Spirit in us should aid in the fulfilling of this ministry.
Visitation as a ministry among Christian women is invaluable to foster love, care and growth in our churches. The aged women in our midst should be borne in mind in this regard. Women leaders in the church should look weel  to the general welfare of the womenfolk, including widows. The young ladies who need to get married need the attention of women leaders and mothers. The youths and children must not be neglected.

Acts 16:30, 31; Ephesians 5:21-33;6:1-4

A successful marital home does not come by accident. It takes a lot of efforts and sacrifice.
First, genuine conversion/repentance. The very first step to take in order to enjoy a successful marital home is genuine repentance which has to do with change of mind and life (John 3:7; Matthew 6:33; Acts 16:30, 31; 2 Corinthians 5: 17). Next, all those who desire a stable, happy, successful home should endeavor to marry according to God`s will and leading. Beauty, handsomeness, certificate, position and popularity should not be our main reason for accepting or rejecting a life-partner (Romans 8:14).
Thirdly, the fear of God should characterize the lives of those who wants to enjoy successful marital homes (Ephesians 5:21; Psalm 128: 1-6). This makes room for proper conduct and interaction among family members no fighting, no cold war, no acts of wickedness, no starving of family members, no extramarital affairs. There should also be strict adherence to the scripture and godly principles Ephesians 5:22-25. All members must endeavor to fulfil their God-given responsibilities in the family.

Another important secret of enjoying successful marital home is Christ-like love. This kind of love is above the ordinary. It is strong, active, practical and unconditional. It also involves sacrifice, self-denial, readiness to overlook and forgive the shortcomings of others. Dynamic family altar is also necessary. There should be regular exciting family worship coupled with scripture reading and prayer (Joshua 1:8). Practical involvement in child training  by both parents is also encouraged (Proverbs 22:6; Ephesians 6:4).
Finally, scriptural partnership is also indispensable to successful marital homes. There should be leaving and cleaving, fellowship, companionship, togetherness, sharing, personal appreciation and praise for one another, etc.

Proverb 29:2; 14:34
The Christian home in the fundamental unit of the society, the backbone of the nation, the salt of civilization. The state or nation is indeed families-writ-large. Consequently, the peace of the families is the basis for peace in the society and strong values must necessarily be cultivated. Thus by cultivation and promotion of family ethics and values such as love, care and mercy, loyalty, selflessness, generosity, obedience, sharing, sincerity, steadfastness and so on, in individual families, the whole nation would be gradually transformed. If a man is good at home, he can be counted on to behave correctly in society. From the practice of filial piety to parents, one enters  object of filial piety. As subjects practice filial towards the rulers and the rulers are faithful to reciprocate this gesture, there will be peace, harmony, security, and social cohesion.
What we are saying in essence is that home environment and nation building go together. Where the atmosphere at home is conductive, the task of nation-building becomes lighter, easier and joyous.

Philip  had a successful home. His four daughters were virgins. Where this is the case, parents and children are God-fearing and under control. Spread pf HIV/AIDS and others STDS, abortion, single parenting and its associated problems, will be non-existent or reduced to the barest minimum.
In successful marital homes, the fear of God and prompt practical obedience to God`s word is the order of the day. God`s commandments without exception are unconditionally kept. Love, humility, obedience, honesty, sincerity and hard work are emphasised. The result is that corruption is phased put of the way and there is respect for constituted authority at home, in the school and in the office. Intercessory prayers play a major role in making of successful marital home. The members frequently pray for the needs of one another and for those in authority. Through these intercessory prayers peace, prosperity and good, political, economic and religious stability are enhanced.

For the treatment of pile and body cleansing you need this 3 items.
1, bitter leave,
2, scent leave,
3, lime orange.
Blend it , and filter
Dosage, one glass cup for one person.

Genesis 18:19; 1 Peter 3:7 Proverbs 16:24; Colossians 3:18,19; Philippians 4:31,32; Philippians 2:5

Successful marital home consists of a God fearing father, mother, children and servants.
A successful marital home is a place where members are bound Together by Christian love and where the lord Jesus is the actual Head.
A successful marital home is the home that has achieved the purpose for which it was set up.
There is courtesy, mutual respect, gentleness, unity, kindness, and openness to one another.
There is a cheerful disposition and forgiveness of one another
A successful marital home is a place where members of the family enjoy rest, privacy, a sense of security, equal right; and learn to plan, play and pray together.
Loyalty, honesty and cooperation are learned and practiced by each member of the team.
There is submissiveness. No bitterness, anger, clamour, malice and wife-beating.
Tyranny and all forms of aggressive behavior are strange and uncommon experiences.
Each member demonstrates patience towards the other at all times and under all circumstances.
There is Christlikeness in the life of every member
Every member is in a rapturable state.

1 samuel 8:1-5

The words home and family in this context could inter-changeably used. That the home or family set up is very important cannot be argued out.
Everyone comes from a home and its is through the home or family arrangement that the entire nation is constituted. The stability of a nation depends on what goes on in the home. What we are seeing in the society today, waywardness, fraudulent practices, the defilement  and corruption, the deception, the immoralities, the lawlessness, broken homes, the convetousness, etc, are all signs and signals notifying us that all is not well with the home. The home is sick and the sickness has negative influence on our effort at nation  building. We are living in the era of failed marriages. What we see and hear about is a direct consequence of troubled marriages. If there has to be one solution at all, we will need to change our attitude towards the home and also look up to the one who founded the home. The sole Creator, Owner and Administrator of the universe.

You need like 40 pcs of Guyabano (Sour sop) Leaves, lf you want to keep it for future used don't dry it with the sun.
Preparation:- Boil 1 liters of clean water in a pot, as soon as it boil add the leaves and lower the burner (fire).
Simmer it for 20min, the water will turn to golden brown or just like a regular tea, this preparation is only good for 7 -8 hours and may be refrigerated.
Dosage:-One glass cup before meals, 3 times a day for 30 days, after a period of 30 days see your doctor for medical checked, if the symptoms is still persist reduce the dose to maintenance dose which is 1 glass of tea a day before meal.
N.B:-If you took it before bedtime in tne night, you can also experience frequent urination. 

The initial experience of reconciliation with God through Christ's atoning blood and forgiveness of sin ( Romans 5 : 9 - 10 ) God demands the following character traits amongst others for service in his vineyard :-
(1) Contentment : believer must hate covetousness Titux 1: 8
(2) Truthfulness Exodus 18 : 21.
(3) Godly fear.
(4) Honesty : there must be honest report about us. Act 6 : 3
(5) Blameless and a disciplined life. 1Timothy 3 : 2
(6) Chastity a d purity. Isaiah 52 : 11
(7) Sobriety, justice and sanctity.  Titus 1: 7 - 8
(8) Obedience to the word of God. Palm 1 : 1 - 3
(9) Faithfulness 1 Corinthians 4 : 1 - 2
God is holy , He expects holy instruments as channels for his holy use.He is calling all who will walk with Him unto holiness and perfection. 1 Thessalonians 4 : 7

1Timothy 4: 12, Titus 2: 7 - 8, 2 Corinthians 6 : 3 - 7
A challenging and exemplary life of transparent honesty, spotless conduct and integrity is what God is searching for in a men who bear his vessels.
If we are to lead souls to the Kingdom of God, expect them to walk in the gospel light in the perverse, evil and dark world, we are to be the beacon of light (Philipians 2: 13 - 15).
Spiritual renewal becomes necessary to have our spiritual experiences, freshness, consecration and vibrancy sustained.

The African Union has issued a travel advisory to Africans traveling to the US. AU warns Africans going to the states to be very careful, due to the increasing rate of killing of Black people in America in recent times.

Four suspected thieves that specialised in buying stolen goods were caught after burgling a branch of Redeemed Christian Church of God in Okpanam Asaba, Delta State and carting away musical instruments and industrial fans.

However, luck ran out on the thieves when they decided to rob a building site. They were caught red handed stealing building materials and beaten to a pulp before being handed over to the Okpanam Divisional Police Headquarters

This fact is contained in the book, “Muhammadu Buhari: The challenges of leadership in Nigeria”, authored by Prof. John Paden. Boko Haram demanded from the FG, €5billion (about N1.7tr) to free 219 Chibok girls.

Also, in the book, it was revealed that Pres. Buhari allegedly got wind of the August 27, 1985 coup d’état against him as a military Head of State, but he did not foil it, to avoid executing some senior Army officers.
Some excerpts from the book are: “An additional issue was the status of the Chibok girls. Secret negotiations had been held regarding an exchange of Boko Haram prisoners for the girls.
On several occasions, prisoners were taken to Maiduguri to facilitate an exchange. But these negotiations stalled when Boko Haram demanded a ransom of €5billion for the girls.
The dilemma for the DSS, which was handling the negotiations, was that a military assault to rescue the girls would almost certainly result in their deaths at the hands of their Boko Haram captors.
But the Nigerian government was not going to accede to Boko Haram’s extra-ordinary demand for a vast sum of money which would no doubt be used to fund future attacks. The Chibok girls were not alone in their grim fate. .
Hundreds if not thousands, of persons had been captured by Boko Haram in the North-East. Buhari would need to continue degrading Boko Haram until he could tighten the noose around its Sambisa hideouts and bring a close end to this painful episode.”

Credit: The Nation

At a  news conference on illegal rice importation into Nigeria, On Tuesday in Abuja, The Comptroller-General of Customs,  Mr Hammed Ali  said 99% of rice smuggled through the land borders into the country are not fit for human consumption.
He said:

“Importation of rice into the country is not banned but restricted on the point of entry to seaports only. `We remain firm in our resolve to enforce the restriction of rice imports only to our seaports. “We have re-organised our anti-smuggling patrols to provide additional capability and bite,’’
He added that samples of some of the rice seized by Customs over a period of time were referred to NAFDAC to ascertain their condition. But that test results have certified that smuggled rice through the borders was unfit for human consumption and discouraged Nigerians from buying them.

He said:
“We have seen rice conveyed in open wooden canoes across our creeks and water ways with generous amount of dirty waters splashing on them. “We have seen some mixed with other grains bags to deceive customs; some are stuffed inside any available crevice and compartments of vehicles, including the engine area. 
“The concealed rice is thereafter re-bagged half cooked and presented in our markets for sale as imported rice. 
“Bags of rice meant for Nigerians’ consumption (are) being conveyed in coffins inside make shift ambulance vehicles. “Often time, importers in the borders have to wait for months for the green light from corrupt customs officials before they gamble their ways across the borders. 
“Rice being a perishable product, lose valuable shelve life in non conductive strong conditions. “We have strong evidence linking some reputable importers to cases of re-bagging expired rice to prolong their shelve life,’’ he added.
Ali also said that those who promote economic subterfuge were seeking a re-introduction of quota system to import 1.5 million tonnes through the entry point “We will be waiting for them.”

Ali said that many state governments are investing in local production of rice and that the Federal Government, through the intervention by CBN and Bank of Industry, is also investing in the local production of rice within the country.

Ali said Kebbi State Government has so far harvested over 700,000 tonnes of rice from irrigation farming.

Source: Guardian

President Buhari received APC National Chairman, John Odigie-Oyegun at the State house today. The purpose of his  visit is unknown to the press. 

The Senior Special Assistant to President Buhari on Media and Publicity, Garba Shehu has confirmed the newspaper advert for the sale of two Presidential aircraft. In the statement issued  today Oct. 4th, Shehu stated that the sales were authorized by the President in order to cut down on waste.
"The newspaper advertisements for the sale of two Presidential aircraft, a Falcon 7x executive jet and Hawker 4000 were duly authorized by the Presidency.
This is in line with the directive of President Muhammadu Buhari that aircraft in the Presidential air fleet be reduced to cut down on waste. When he campaigned to be President, the then APC candidate Muhammadu Buhari, if you recall, promised to look at the presidential air fleet with view to cutting down on waste. His directive to a government committee on this assignment is that he liked to see a compact and reliable aircraft for the safe airlift of the President, the Vice President and other government officials that go on special missions. This exercise is by no means complete. I am sure the Commander of the Presidential air fleet will any time from now, call you to a ceremony at which he will hand over some other aircraft to the Airforce for their operations."

Those were good days....wow! Photo credit: Meche Isaac Moses of Goge Africa

Former Minister of Environment under Jonathan's administration, Laurentia Laraba Mallam, has been kidnapped along with her 73 years old husband, Mr Pius at their home in Jere area of Kagarko local government in Kaduna State.

According to family sources, they were kidnapped at gunpoint yesterday night Monday October 3rd while traveling along the Kaduna-Abuja expressway. The kidnappers are demanding N10million ransom.

40 year old Cameroon football legend Rigobert Song has reportedly left his coma state but is still fighting for his life after suffering a stroke attack in Yaounde, Cameroon on Sunday.

The former Liverpool and West Ham defender who had 137 caps for the Cameroon national team is now breathing unassisted but is still in a critical condition after suffering a cerebral aneurysm that left him immobile.
The football world was quick to show their support on social media to one of their own as his family have concluded plans to fly him to France for better medical care. Get well soon (Amen).

A statement signed by Mr Bisi Kazeem, Head Media Relations and Strategy, FRSC, Oyeyemi said the enforcement was not to inflict pain on motorists and road users .

Oyeyemi said the enforcement was rather for commercial vehicle owners to voluntarily imbibe the culture of its usage and key into it.
He said the advisory enforcement the corps started with was a sort of subtle force that entailed stopping commercial vehicles, verifying electronically whether the devise was fixed.
Oyeyemi said that citations were given to offenders for corrective purposes.
He expressed satisfaction with the advisory enforcement of speed limiting device nationwide as 2,800 commercial vehicles were issued tickets at  the beginning
“In the coming days, the leadership of the organised transport unions such as NURTW, NUPENG PTD, NARTO, RTEAN LUBOAN shall be involved in the advisory enforcement by joining FRSC top officers to patrol,” he said
He, therefore, advised commercial vehicle operators to continually patronise the devise as there was no going back on its full and real enforcement come January 2017.

President of Nigeria, Prof. Yemi Osinbajo yesterday, October 2, 2016, while speaking at the Olive Tree parish of the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) said that he became the Vice President of Nigeria without.

According to him, his emergence without any personal effort showed that God is involved in the business of changing Nigeria.
“This country has gone forward and it is going to keep moving forward. The reason why I, Yemi Osinbajo, without asking for a position, was given the vice-presidency of this nation is because God’s hand is in this business.
And so, I am completely confident that despite where we are today, it is the dawn of a new beginning. It has begun to show and surely there is a very bright light at the end of the tunnel. God knows that this country has a plan and purpose in Africa and in the world; the plan and purpose will never diminish or be cut short”he said
Are you worried your heart is much older than you are and that you're on the verge of having a heart attack?
Well a test can estimate the age of your ticker, as well as revealing how long you can expect to live without having a heart attack or a stroke.
But a new update to the 16-question tool offers advice and interventions to help lower the vital organ's age and keep you alive for longer.  

It also seeks to know where you live, whether you're an active smoker and your ethnicity - all factors that impact the risk of having a heart attack or stroke. 
The free tool - initially launched last year - also scours for information about your cholesterol levels, blood pressure and whether or not you have any other conditions that increase your risk. 
It is designed to work on people aged 30 or older who have not already been diagnosed with cardiovascular disease. 

Take the test for yourself below


Following the increase in kidnap cases in the country, the Nigeria Police Force and the Department of State Services have issued a security advisory to top government officers and prominent Nigerians in the country.
Sunday Punch gathered that the advisory listed precautionary security measures which top Nigerians must take to avoid being kidnapped.
The wife of the Governor of the Central Bank of Nigeria, Mr. Godwin Emefiele, Margaret, was kidnapped along the Benin-Agbor Road on Thursday but regained her freedom less than 48 hours after her abductors demanded N100m ransom.
There have been other high-profile kidnappings this year, including the recent abduction of Senator Iyabo Anisulowo and an attempt to kidnap an oil magnate, Mr. Femi Otedola.
Findings by Punch correspondents showed that the two agencies gave the security advisory through the policemen and the DSS operatives attached to government officers, including ministers and other political appointees, as well as lawmakers.
It was learnt that the advisory came on the heels of the change of tactics used by kidnappers targeting top government officials and their family members.
Top on the list of instructions given to politicians, government officials and other prominent individuals was that they should avoid late-night outings and long-distance travels by road, particularly at night.
The security advisory, it was further gathered, also counselled the dignitaries against divulging their destination and itinerary to non-family members or employees, unless it was absolutely necessary for them to know.
A top police source, who confided in Sunday Punch, said, “I am aware that the two security agencies have instructed these ‘big men and women’ on how to conduct themselves, especially now that criminals are targeting prominent individuals and politicians in the country. Some of them will be asking for more police security but it’s beyond that. They need to watch how they move and who they discuss with.”
He referred Sunday Punch to a statement made by one of the three kidnapped landlords, who regained their freedom after their abduction in Lagos a few weeks ago.
The landlord had told Channels Television, that they (the landlords) were not the real target of the kidnappers but that their abductors were looking for politicians.
The landlord stated, “Their (kidnappers) major objective in Lagos was to kidnap senior politicians or ‘big men.’ We were not big men, so we were the wrong target at the wrong place at the wrong time,” he said.
Some prominent politicians told our correspondents that politicians are now living in fear following the spate of kidnappings. They however refused to comment on whether they would be asking for more police protection.

Dr Maikanti Baru, the group managing director of the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) has said that the official pump price of kerosene is now N150 per litre.
According to The Guardian, the NNPC boss, who stated this during a courtesy visit to the Ogun state Governor Ibikunle Amosun in Abeokuta, recently, called on other retail outlets to emulate the NNPC mega stations that sell the product at N150 per litre, from N180 per litre.
He said: “We are committed to promoting the use of Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) as an alternative choice for home cooking, which is also available at our NNPC retail stations.”
He also expressed the readiness of the NNPC to complete the ongoing Escravos to Lagos Pipeline System 2 (ELPS2) project in the last quarter of this year to boost gas to power in the country.
Baru said the 36-inch and 342-kilometre gas pipeline project would double the capacity of the existing ELPS, thereby improving gas supply to Ogun and environs, adding that the recent achievement of security agencies in safeguarding the Atlas Cove to Mosimi System 2B pipeline would not have been possible without the support of the host communities and state government.
In a similar development, Ismaila Chafe: President Muhammadu Buhari on Saturday said Nigeria would be saving 10 billion Dollars annually from importation of petroleum products as the nation’s four refineries would soon be fully repaired.
The president disclosed this in a nationwide broadcast to mark the nation’s 56th Independence Anniversary on Saturday.
The President frowned at the situation where half of the nation’s foreign exchange earnings were being spent on importation of petroleum and food items.
He attributed the current socio-economic hardship being experienced in the country to inability of the previous administrations to save for the “rainy days’’.
“Historically about half our dollar export earnings go to importation of petroleum and food products, Nothing was saved for the rainy days during the periods of prosperity.
“We are now reaping the whirlwinds of corruption, recklessness and impunity.
“There are no easy solutions, but there are solutions nonetheless and government is pursuing them in earnest.
“We are to repair our four refineries so that Nigeria can produce most of our petrol requirements locally, pending the coming on stream of new refineries. That way we will save 10 billion USD yearly in importing fuel.’’
He said there were only two system collapses between June and December 2015, while the over-all system suffered 16 system collapses between March and July 2016 alone. In this respect, the Mambilla Hydro project, after many years of delay is taking off this year.
Buhari said his administration’s economic revival strategy was centred on the Ministry of Power, Works and Housing.
According to him, the ministry will lead and oversee the provision of critical infrastructure of power, road transport network and housing development.
He said power generation in the country had steadily risen since his administration came on board from three 3,344 megawatts in June 2015, to a peak of 5,074 megawatts in February.
“For the first time in our history, the country was producing five thousand megawatts.’’
He, however, lamented that renewed militancy and destruction of gas pipelines had continued to cause acute shortage of gas and constant drop in electricity output available on the grid.
The president also noted an appreciable improvement in power transmission between June 2015 to September 2016.
He said there were only two system collapses between June and December 2015, while the over-all system suffered 16 system collapses between March and July 2016 alone.
He attributed the incidents to vandalism by Niger Delta militants.
“As I have said earlier, we are engaging with responsible leadership in the region to find lasting solutions to genuine grievances of the area but we will not allow a tiny minority of thugs to cripple the country’s economy.
“In the meantime, government is going ahead with projects utilizing alternate technologies such as hydro, wind, and solar to contribute to our energy mix.
“In this respect, the Mambilla Hydro project, after many years of delay is taking off this year.’’
According to the president, contract negotiations for the Mambilla project are nearing completion with Chinese firms for technical and financial commitments.
He said the project would be jointly financed by Nigeria and the Chinese-Export-Import Bank.

As Nigerians converged for the celebration of independence from the British government, Pastor Williams Kumuyi, the General Superintendent of Deeper Christian Life Ministry, said in the midst of the recession and other crisis rocking the nation, the desires of Nigerians will be fulfilled.
Kumuyi, who is in Asaba, the Delta State capital, for an independence service on Sunday, October 2, appreciated God for Nigerians, saying the government and the Christian church are working in partnership for the development of the nation.
He said the objective of the church is to move people forward to live better lives and achieve their goals, just as he appreciated Governor Ifeanyi Okowa’s development strides in the state.
Specifically, he said the Delta health care programme was a laudable one, even as he commended the governor for the youth empowerment programmes in the state.
Governor Okowa, who received the pastor along with his wife, Edith and members of the state executive council, said he was glad to have Kumuyi in the state, just as he called on gospel ministers to pray for the good of Nigeria.
According to him, “this is the time we need more of your prayers for Nigeria and our state. We need God now more than ever before. The more knowledge of God we have the better for us as a nation and state. The knowledge of God is needed in our homes”.
Okowa, who condemned gospel preachers who are laying more emphasis on prosperity than the preaching of the gospel, called on preachers to focus on the word of God as it is the needed ingredient for national development.
The governor said many gospel preachers are confusing Nigerians with the emphasis on prosperity at the detriment of the word of God, saying the gospel should be given more prominence than the craze for material things and wealth.

He told Kumuyi to pray for the state, maintaining that “whatever prayer you pray for us will work”, adding that “we have been troubled over time because of crisis in the state. We pray that the crisis in our midst will disappear so that we enjoy God’s presence and fullness.”
Okowa further added that the revered man of God presence was needed in Delta. He said, “if you decide to come and live in Delta, we will be glad to have you among us”.